Henry Poon's Blog


I am a software engineer/mechatronics engineeer whose primary interests are in:

  • Integration of mechanical and electrical hardware from a software perspective
  • Development of software applications
  • Web application development

Specialties: C++, Java, PHP, SQL, Python, software engineering, mechatronics, mechanical engineering, SolidWorks

In my spare time, if I’m not hanging out with my friends, I’m probably working on a personal project.  That explains all the engineering/software related posts on here.

One of the main reasons I set up this blog is so that I can keep an archive of various fixes I’ve done with either software, hardware, gadgets what have you and also share with others the things I have learned.

It’s nice to see that this blog is helping people out with problems that they are having and I hope this blog will help others as much as it helps me.


  1. Michael Allar 2010-05-09

    Just got a pingback from your site when you linked to my site under your Programming-UDK section and decided to check out your site.

    Just wanted to say that I’ve found your blog very interesting, especially the school/engineering section.

    That is all. Thanks.

    • sushan 2021-04-30

      Thank You for a beautiful and rich form useful information blog

  2. Aditya Verma 2019-10-10

    Thank you so much! This was extremely helpful.

  3. P Bhat 2025-03-01

    compiling Tiger Tank Control Panel like,

    “$ javac -cp .:./RXTXcomm.jar Communicator.java KeybindingController.java GUI.java
    Note: Communicator.java uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.”

    Now running like,

    “$ java -cp .:./RXTXcomm.jar TigerControlPanel/Communicator
    Error: Main method not found in class TigerControlPanel.Communicator, please define the main method as:
    public static void main(String[] args)
    or a JavaFX application class must extend javafx.application.Application”

    Adding, “public static void main(String[] args { …code body…}” leads to more errors.

    Thank you for your time and attention.

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