After fiddling with using the Serial Monitor on the Arduino IDE for serial communication inputs, I thought it was very useful to set up my own program to achieve the serial communication so that I didn’t have to rely on the Serial Monitor for it. I came across a serial communication API called JavaComm (more info in the link below). Only its 2.0 version will run on Windows, but there is a 3.0 version that is available for Linux users. The article discusses how to use the library to achieve serial communication, and has a lot of example code to follow. The PDF in the other link below has information on how to use the JavaComm API, and the information there is presented a little better than Wiki pages, since Wiki pages seem to be loaded with technical information that beginners (like me), can’t really follow too well.
Tomas Oliver Ramilison 2017-08-15
Nice blog, thanks for this