In the past couple of days, I’ve been experimenting a bit with the Jenkins pipeline plugin to create a code deployment pipeline with independent beta and prod stages for a Spring Boot app. I even managed to add rolling back a deployment in case a prod deployment fails! It took me a bit of time to Google my way through how to do everything, so I figure I just lay it all out here in case it helps other people do the same thing.
The nice thing about all of this is that I can push a code change to git, and Jenkins can build it, run through all the tests and then deploy to production automatically.
Layout of a pipeline script
Pipeline scripts are written in Groovy, which is a variant of Java. In general, a pipeline script is laid out like this:
node {
def SOME_CONSTANT = "whatever"
stage('some stage name like Build') {
// Stuff to do as a part of this stage
stage('another stage') {
// More stuff
Each stage represents a stage in the pipeline (e.g. building, beta deployment, prod deployment etc.)
Defining some constants
First, a list of constants can be defined that can be used throughout the pipeline so that if the pipeline script gets reused somewhere, only these constants have to be changed. I’m not aware of anything that lets me reuse a pipeline in Jenkins without copying and pasting the code somewhere else so for now I’ll have to live with copying and pasting.
My project uses Maven so I got Jenkins to download its own copy of Maven that it can use to execute builds and have defined it as a constant. The name I’ve given it in the Jenkins Global Tool Configuration is “Maven 3.3.9” exactly. My project also uses Tomcat so there are some Tomcat specific things in there that may or may not be relevant to your use case.
def MAVEN_HOME = tool 'Maven 3.3.9'
def WORKSPACE = pwd()
def PROJECT_NAME = "name-of-project"
def WAR_PATH_RELATIVE = "App/target/${PROJECT_NAME}.war"
def TOMCAT_CTX_PATH_BETA = "Tomcat-context-path-for-the-beta-stage"
def TOMCAT_CTX_PATH_PROD = "Tomcat-context-path-for-the-prod-stage"
def GIT_REPO_URL = "URL-to-git-repo-ending-in-.git"
Preparation Stage
First, the code has to be retrieved from the repository before it gets built. Jenkins allows storing username/password pairs so that they can be referenced without having to write out the password in plaintext. Jenkins uses a “credential ID” for this.
stage('Preparation') {
git branch: "master",
credentialsId: "credentials-ID-stored-in-Jenkins-that-can-access-the-git-repo",
url: "${GIT_REPO_URL}"
Build Stage
Next, the code must be built and unit tested. “mvn clean install” will do just that (depending on what you want, you can always put in a different maven goal). The junit command is just there to take the resulting XML that gets generated during the build process and posts a graph of how many tests were run for each build.
stage('Build') {
sh "'${MAVEN_HOME}/bin/mvn' clean install"
junit '**/target/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml'
Beta Stage
Once the build succeeds, you’ll want to deploy it to a beta environment, so integration tests can happen. The following happens at this stage:
- Get the right credentials to get permissions to Tomcat
- Call the deploy method to deploy the war file in Tomcat (more on that later)
- If the deployment fails for whatever reason, print out the deployment log for debugging and fail the build
- If the deployment succeeds, run the integration tests (the command to do this may differ based on use case)
stage('Beta') {
withCredentials([[$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding',
credentialsId: 'credential-id-for-tomcat',
usernameVariable: 'USERNAME', passwordVariable: 'PASSWORD']]) {
// Password is available as an env variable, but will be masked
// if you try to print it out any which way
def output = deploy(WAR_PATH_FULL, TOMCAT_CTX_PATH_BETA,
if (output.contains("FAIL - Deployed application at context path " +
"/${TOMCAT_CTX_PATH_BETA} but context failed to start")) {
echo "----- Beta deployment log -----"
echo output
echo "-------------------------------"
currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
error "Beta stage deployment failure"
echo "Running integration tests"
sh "'${MAVEN_HOME}/bin/mvn' -Dtest=*IT test"
junit '**/target/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml'
The deploy method is what takes care of the actual deployment to Tomcat, which is how the Jenkins build tells Tomcat about the newly built war file. The deploy method is below (be sure to change the server IP and port). Alternatively, I could have built my project as an embedded jar file, but that has a different challenge in figuring out how to get Jenkins to tell the OS to execute the newly built jar file as a particular user.
- Based on the Tomcat context path, decide whether a beta or production deployment is happening
- Make a copy of the build war file and add .prod or .beta to the end of it so as to keep the original
- Set the Spring profile to use on the newly copied war file (more on that later)
- Call the curl command to do the actual deployment to Tomcat (more on that later)
def deploy(warPathFull, tomcatCtxPath, username, password) {
def envSuffix = ""
def isBeta = tomcatCtxPath.contains("beta")
if (isBeta) {
envSuffix = "beta"
} else {
envSuffix = "prod"
sh script: "cp ${warPathFull} ${warPathFull}.${envSuffix}"
setSpringProfile(warPathFull, isBeta)
def output = sh script: "curl --upload-file '${warPathFull}.${envSuffix}' " +
"'http://${username}:${password}@localhost:8081/manager/text/deploy" +
"?path=/${tomcatCtxPath}&update=true'", returnStdout: true
return output
In the case of my project, I’m building a single war file that does not have a Spring profile (beta/prod) defined. This means that I have to manually define this before I deploy the app to Tomcat since there are some things that differ between beta and prod like database URL’s. To do this, I wrote a method that opens the war file like a zip (jar/war files are zip files) and adds a line to my to define a Spring profile.
Admittedly, doing this zip file manipulation seems kind of hacky. Alternatively, I could have defined my build such that I had a separate beta build and a prod build to avoid modifying the zip file, but the drawback is that I’d then have to build my code twice.
def setSpringProfile(warPathFull, isBeta) {
def zipFileFullPath = warPathFull + "." + (isBeta ? "beta" : "prod")
def zipIn = new File(zipFileFullPath)
def zip = new ZipFile(zipIn)
def zipTemp = File.createTempFile("temp_${System.nanoTime()}", 'zip')
def zos = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(zipTemp))
def toModify = "WEB-INF/classes/"
for(e in zip.entries()) {
if(! {
zos << zip.getInputStream(e).bytes
} else {
zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(toModify))
zos << zip.getInputStream(e).bytes
zos << ("\" + (isBeta ? "beta" : "prod")).bytes
A curl command to Tomcat is what actually does the deployment. To deploy a file to Tomcat, do the following below. This will deploy the war file to Tomcat and instantly run it, thus it will be accessible at the given context path.
curl --upload-file 'path-to-war-file' http://username:password@server-address:port/manager/text/deploy?path=/tomcat-context-path&update=true
Prod Stage
The same kind of stuff happens in the prod stage as in the beta stage with a few exceptions. The following happens at this stage:
- Get the right credentials to get permissions to Tomcat
- Call the deploy method to deploy the war file in Tomcat (except this time it is prod)
- If the deployment fails for whatever reason, print out the deployment log for debugging and roll back the deployment
- If the deployment succeeds, save the build files, and then the pipeline is finished. Alternatively, smoke tests can be run at this point, but I did not implement this in my project
Rollback is important because if the deployment fails, you don’t want to be stuck with a broken environment. Since build artifacts are saved on successful deployments, these same artifacts can be brought back if future deployments fail. This means they can be redeployed so that the code can be fixed before another deployment happens.
stage('Prod') {
withCredentials([[$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding',
credentialsId: 'credential-id-for-tomcat',
usernameVariable: 'USERNAME', passwordVariable: 'PASSWORD']]) {
// Password is available as an env variable, but will be masked
// if you try to print it out any which way
if (output.contains("FAIL - Deployed application at context path " +
"/${TOMCAT_CTX_PATH_PROD} but context failed to start")) {
echo "Prod stage deployment failure, rolling back deployment"
echo "----- Prod deployment log -----"
echo output
echo "-------------------------------"
step([$class: 'CopyArtifact',
filter: "${WAR_PATH_RELATIVE}",
fingerprintArtifacts: true,
projectName: "${PROJECT_NAME}",
target: "${WAR_PATH_RELATIVE}.rollback"])
deploy(WAR_PATH_FULL + ".rollback/" + WAR_PATH_RELATIVE,
currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
error "Prod deployment rolled back"
} else {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${WAR_PATH_RELATIVE}*", fingerprint: true
At the end you get to have something like this:

That pretty much sums up the whole Jenkins pipeline that I’ve been using lately for Spring projects!
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